Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hail to Aquafina

This is just a real short entry to tell you all that Jonathan and I are truly obsessed with Aquafina.  Why?  Well, for one thing it is the greatest tasting water you can find in India.  And the other reason:  It is safe and clean!  Jonathan's drinking water is not always clean.  He often struggles with stomach problems largely due to his drinking water.  When I visit him I look forward to purchasing a large bottle of Aquafina and drinking it all in one go.  We have discussed this issue many times and think that it is funny since we are strongly opposed to bottled drinking water and here we are in India and we have spent literally hundreds of rupees on bottled water - and we enjoyed every minute of it!

We also were discussing how crazy it is that back home we never question the quality of water we are given.  We go to a restaurant and receive water - no big deal.  In India we go to a restaurant and receive water and we both stumble over who will be first to ask for the Aquafina as we kindly just look into the glass wondering if that water is really that bad!  We also talked about how crazy it is that all water at home is drinkable.  You could stand in your shower and just gulp down as much water as you wanted.  If you were to drink the yellowish/brownish water that we bathe in you most surely would be laid up for at least a month with some terrible GI illness.  So next time you are at your facet pouring yourself a glass of beautiful water do us a favor:  Be grateful and most definitely enjoy it!

1 comment:

  1. One thing about Aquafina that is quite cool, is that the label of each bottle explains that they keep a "positive water balance" in India. Meaning that for all the water that Pepsico uses in it's plants and factories they make sure to save an equal amount of water in water reclamation projects (which I assume means cleaning polluted water). Which makes me feel a little bit better about supporting a major American corporation and contributing more plastic waste to the world.

    That and the fact that if I didn't my intestines would eat themselves trying to revenge themselves upon me.
